Selected Projects

Concept Design for Rest Home Site

HRDC Community Development Consulting

Over the past seven years, Groundprint, LLC has worked closely with HRDC on feasibility studies, code and policy analysis, zone text amendments, state law amendments, site planning and entitlements for affordable housing and other community-based projects throughout Gallatin County. Highlighted projects include the new Year-Round Shelter and Food Resource Hub, Housing First Tiny Home Village, Beall Street Humble Homes, Willow Springs Community Land Trust, West Yellowstone Community Land Trust, Big Sky Land Studies and initial planning for vacant property behind the Gallatin County Rest Home.

Bozeman Missing Middle Housing Graphic

Graphic for Affordable Housing Assessment

Affordable Housing Code Audit

Partnered with Clarion & Associates and Root Policy out of Denver, Groundprint, LLC acted as the local planner for the Affordable Housing Code Assessment which identified changes that the City could make to the Unified Development Code (UDC) and development review processes to remove regulatory barriers to the creation of affordable housing. Also included in this scope of work are revisions to the Planned Unit Development Ordinance and the Affordable Housing Ordinance.


Downtown Plan

Downtown Plan

Downtown Improvement Plan Update

(In collaboration with Agency Landscape + Planning acting as Prime) - This Neighborhood Plan for Downtown Bozeman included creative and engaging public outreach; extensive use of graphics to effectively communicate ideas; and a detailed appendix with suggestions that better align municipal codes and policies with overall goals identified in the plan.

Groundprint, LLC continues to consult with Downtown Bozeman on a variety of plan implementation strategies including zone text amendments, participation in the Community Housing Action Plan working group and enhancing Downtown alleys.

Bridger View

Bridger View Neighborhood Layout

Bridger View Redevelopment Neighborhood Planning

(In collaboration with Evolve Environment :: Architecture and an extensive local team including Comma Q Architecture) - this Planned Unit Development includes 62 small homes with half in the Headwaters Community Housing Trust to help meet the demand for “missing middle” housing. The neighborhood, currently under construction, exemplifies compact neighborhood design and sustainability.

Affordable Housing Infographic

Affordable Housing Infographic

City of Bozeman Consulting

Groundprint, LLC contracts with the City of Bozeman for a variety of planning and urban design projects. Examples include a report analyzing recent Planned Unit Development (PUD) Relaxations, feasibility analysis for City-owned property, graphics to support ongoing affordable housing efforts, marketing and press releases, project reviews, zone text amendments, zone map amendments and annexations.

Safe Routes to Parks Grant

Groundprint, LLC partnered with HRDC, WTI (Western Transportation Institute) and the City of Bozeman to create and test the City’s first Community Liaison program in an effort to diversify and improve public engagement in the new Parks Plan.

Photograph from Bike Your Park Day

Parks, Recreation and Active Transportation Plan

Groundprint is in the final stages of a collaboration with Agency Landscape + Planning (acting as Prime), Sanderson Stewart and others for the City of Bozeman’s new Parks, Recreation and Active Transportation Plan.

Infographic for Neighborhood Engagement Report

Neighborhood Engagement Report

Groundprint, LLC (in collaboration with Tracy Oulman) created a peer cities report for the Bozeman Neighborhoods Division focused on emerging themes of City Engagement related to government structure, engagement tools, inclusion strategies and metrics. Peer cities included Bend, Oregon, Corvallis, Oregon, Flagstaff, Arizona, Fort Collins, Colorado and Vancouver, Washington. Data collection included an online survey, interviews and data analysis from the American Community Survey.

Zoning Map Bridger Canyon

Crosscut Master Planning

Groundprint is working with Crosscut Mountain Sports Center on conceptual planning, zoning research/analysis and assistance with the preparation and processing of required permits in the Bridger Canyon Zoning District.

First Baptist Church Vacation Rental

Redevelopment Projects in Butte, MT

Groundprint acts as a combination planning consultant/developer in historic Uptown Butte, MT. Projects have included conversion of a church to a vacation rental, remodeling of an office building/data center and several feasibility studies. Early plans for a school to housing conversion are underway!

Working with communities across the country, Community Planning Assistance for Wildfire (CPAW) is administered by Headwaters Economics and provides land use planning solutions, communications assistance, and customized research to better understand and manage wildfire-prone areas and reduce risks. All services provided through CPAW are grant-funded and come at no cost to the community. Communities are selected through a competitive grant process and generally receive assistance over the course of one year. Participation in the program is voluntary and must be requested by local governments. More information can be found at their website: